Design Statement


For the visual and interactive elements in this design, the choices made established a bright and engaging atmosphere. The primary typeface, Abril Fatface, was selected for its artistic feel, evoking a sense of creativity and exploration that mirrored the vibrant culture of Seoul. This font suited attention-grabbing headings with its bold presence. Complementing it, Poppins was utilized for body text and navigation links, chosen for its modern style that helped readability.


The navigation bar was positioned at the top of the page, providing direct access to different pages of the website. The navigation links are styled to show an underline when hovered over, indicating to users that these elements are clickable. The H1 elements are the largest, serving as key points for users to quickly identify the main topics. Following this hierarchy, H2 headings act as subheadings to categorize the content further, while the paragraph text is sized the smallest. The overall layout guides the user’s eye naturally from the navigation to the headings and down to the descriptive content.


The color palette was made to symbolize a sunset when many areas of Seoul come alive with activity and energy, featuring a gradient background that transitioned from purple to orange. The pale orange container background, outlined with a slightly darker orange border, highlighted the main content. Images throughout the design were selected to reflect the H2 headings, showcasing popular meals and locations. Buttons were styled to when hovered over, they changed color to let users know they were clickable. The forms were designed so that when clicked inside, they featured a purple outline, providing visual feedback that indicated to users they had successfully interacted with the input fields.